Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My BFF and balls...

Logan heard something on the television talking about BFF's. Here's how his conversation with me and Ryan went.
Logan: I don't really know who my BFF is.
Mom: It's probably Hunter or Theo.
Logan: It could be Skylon or Theo or Hunter, but it's probably really you or Dad.

He was serious. Not trying to get somthing. I need to remind him of this when he's 16 and refuses to answer my text or whatever kind of telepathic message we are sending in 8 years.

Caden was sick the other night (his nose was a tiny bit stuffy, so that means he can't sleep). He was sitting on my lap in the rocking chair and I was half asleep, wishing he was all the way asleep, when he said out of the blue, "Mom scrotums have two little balls in them." I just looked at him. He just nodded at me and said, "Yeah." and went right back to watching Scooby Doo. He's going to be a urologist. I just know it.


The Berg's said...

I love your boys! I hope Tanner thinks I'm his BFF someday. Logan is such a great kid! You should start giving Caden your anatomy books to read before he goes to bed...

Eli and Candace said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad I read this at home b/c my laugh at work would have been really distracting!

JACK's house said...

Oh that caden is so funny...I needed a good laugh... :)