Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Must be Santa...

Waiting in line to see Santa for one hour.....$4.50 (we bought cookies and a drink)

Purchasing the pictures on a flash drive.....$24.99 (Sucker will now be spelled C-A-R-R-I-E)

Pictures of your kids with Santa...Priceless (I guess)

I did get a very beautiful one hundred and twenty eight megabyte thumb drive with a beautiful green ribbon. It's really "schnazy".
Logan told Santa he wants a Lego Spiderman Mini-figure to replace the one his little brother lost, and the rest is "Santa's choice". Good, because Santa has already purchased many items.
Caden told Santa he wants an airplane. When asked what kind, he says..."a big one". Hey Santa, bring us a Lear Jet!
You can track Santa's journey and see the countdown to Christmas on

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh Thistlehair the Christmas Bear...

We all love this Christmas song thanks to Aunt Lana. Ryan put up our Christmas Tree and started to decorate it while I was at work the day after Thanksgiving. Poor Caden sees it as pure torture that there were so many balls, but Mom and Dad won't let him throw them (at least when they see him try). I removed all the glass balls and we will start over later.

We raked leaves today. Logan and Caden had fun playing in them while I tried to coax them into a bag (the leaves, not the boys).