Saturday, February 23, 2008

Caden's first trip to the Pacific Ocean

Carrie found the beach to be very cold on Friday. Caden chased every bird he could find and ignored the water. Logan and Ryan played in the sand. They even built a sand castle and then a sea turtle, but their photographer was not on the ball and missed the pics. Saturday was a much nicer day on the beach (for February.)


The Dunford Family said...

Oh, that picture of Caden with the seagulls is awesome. It's sooo cute. Hope you guys had lots of fun!

JACK's house said...

I like the picture of the fam!!

The Berg's said...

Cute kids!!!

Alexandria said...

What a good lookin' family! Little Caden seems so big since we last saw him in July. It looks cold for the beach but I bet the boys loved it!